#011 Empowering Women in the NFT World with Izzie.eth of The Kindness Project

In this episode I chat with Izzie AKA Izzlex in the NFT world. Izzie is the founder of TKP The Kindness Project. An NFT project to spread kindness and love across the world and encouraging more women into the NFT space.

She’s 23, studying Psychology, and pursuing a career as a therapist while passionately creating art and infusing it into some of the most interesting, creative and kind up and coming NFT projects. This was a spontaneous one. If you follow me on my socials you’ll have seen that I’ve been sharing little pieces about how I’ve been deep diving into the world of NFTs over the last few months. I’d planned on creating an episode to unpack NFTs for those who don’t know much about them yet as I’m also about to launch a course and community for those who are wanting to either begin, or dive deeper into the amazing world of NFTs. I still plan on creating that episode soon, and will break down what NFTs are a bit more in that episode, but the conversation you’re about to hear lined up so spontaneously and perfectly, I had to release it first. As I’ve begun to weave the technology of NFTs into more of what I’m doing, I’ve also started looking for other NFT projects that I felt were aligned with my values and interests, looking to learn, connect, collaborate and co-create with likeminded souls in the space. The Kindness Project and the team behind it have impressed me in many different ways from early on and so I reached out to Izzie, the creator, to see what the options were in collaborating. We got along straight away, and within an hour she’d offered for me to come on as a moderator for the project and we decided to do a spontaneous podcast together even though it was 1am in the morning her time over in the UK. It’s this kind of openness and dedication to her craft and community that drew me to Izzie and the Kindness Project in the first place, and I’m very excited for you to join us today to chat about it. So with further ado, artist & creator of the Kindness Project, Izzie. We chat: - Empowering women in the NFT space - Making the NFT space not just a world of men, but a world of women and an all inclusive world - What are NFTs? - Women led NFT projects - What it's like getting into the NFT space - Advice for newbies in the NFT world - What an NFT babe is - Much more

Welcome to Make Yoga Magick Again: The House of Mages Podcast, streaming on all platforms here www.thehouseofmages.com/makeyogamagickagain Follow us on instagram www.instagram.com/thehouseofmages Connect with this episode's guest, Izzie at https://www.thekindnessprojectnft.com/