#009 Apophis and The Seven Heads of The Dragon with Michael Kelly

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This is one I’ve looked forward to since I started the podcast.

In this episode I chat with author and magician in every sense of the word, Michael Kelly. Born in 1965 on the Isle of Man, a descendant of Celts and Vikings, Michael was brought up on fairy tales told by people who actually still believed in fairies. Surrounded by hills and glens and by that most mystical of natural phenomena: the sea.

It’s small wonder that he grew up having learned to see around a corner or two, born into this land of magic and mystery.

Even after earning disapproval for them during his schooling all the way into his career, his interest in mysticism and the transformative power of storytelling continued, but in a subdued and submissive way. Until the day somone asked him to write a book. Not just any old book, but a book on the ancient Celts, their beliefs and their worldview. Thus he sat down, struggled to learn the disciplines of writing, and eventually finished ‘The Book of Ogham’.

Now, nearly 20 years later Michael Kelly has authored over 30 books, Including the groundbreaking Apophis and its expanded titles. Previously a master of The Order of Leviathan; an order within the well respected mystery school the Temple of Set, he dived deeply into the serpentine mysteries, eventually founding what is now known as The Apophis Club.

This is a very personal interview for me. Michael Kelly has perhaps been THE most influential person on my magical journey. It was his books that I found about 10 years ago that really gave me the blueprint in which I’ve been able to build and expand upon my own growth and development.

I even trekked to the other side of the world, to a small island called The Isle of Mann to meet with Michael in person, and was accepted as an apprenticed by him in the school known as The Rune Gild, in which he is also an active member and teacher within. So as you can imagine, I’m pretty excited to not only sit down with Michael for this podcast, but to now be sharing his paradigm shattering wisdom with you all. So without further ado, occult and fiction author, bizarre magician & mischievous jester, Michael Kelly.

You can find out my about Michael Kelly via www.theapophisclub.com

You can find more information about what we do here at The House of Mages by getting in touch with us at www.thehouseofmages.com Thanks for listening! Make Yoga Magick Again