#008 Sacred Embodiment with Sara Elice

Welcome to Make Yoga Magick Again: The House of Mages Podcast, streaming on all platforms here www.thehouseofmages.com/makeyogamagickagain Follow us on instagram www.instagram.com/thehouseofmages In this episode I chat with Sacred Embodiment, Neo-Tantra and Sacred Sexuality Teacher Sara Elice. You can find her on her at www.instagram.com/sacred__embodiment Sara guides both men and women home to their body's wisdom, to unravel the emotional blocks that keep them stuck in separation so that they can find their way home to love and experience deeper intimacy and spiritual ecstasy. With a decade of embodiment experience, she now specialises in sharing the ancient wisdom of sacred sexuality and supporting people to discover the evolutionary spiritual potential of their relationships.  Sheā€™s dedicated her lifeā€™s work to usher in a new paradigm of empowered relating, free from conditioning and generational trauma. Sara is a visionary devoted to birthing a world where sexuality is integrated and respected as the powerful medicine that it is. I met Sarah at a Conscious Leaders event here on the Sunshine Coast a few year back. I loved sarahā€™s down to earth-ness, which if Iā€™m honest can be a rare trait in the neo-tantra community sometimes. I could tell earl yon that Sarah practised what she spoke about, and was continuously growing and embodying what she was learning in new ways. Sheā€™s really helped the Sunshine Coast neo-tantric community in a lot of ways, including running her Enrapture Temple spaces, which teach people about sexuality and consent in a fun, nourishing and supportive way.