#006 Dancing In The Dark with Mia Mor

Welcome to Make Yoga Magick Again: The House of Mages Podcast, streaming on all platforms which can be found here www.thehouseofmages.com/makeyogamagickagain


In this episode I chat with The Dark Oracle; Mia Mor.


Mia Mor see’s an Oracle as someone who can access the invisible realm and bring back wisdom in a crystallized form. 


In this life, she feel’s to have mainly worked with 3 archetypes –
those of the Muse, the Dakini and the Oracle. 

She feels these three also touch the three planes of existence,
the Body, the Soul and the Spirit.

She lives to impart these gifts upon humanity, and DARE’s you to reach out!

As a Dark Oracle – Mia’s main work is to be of service to that which is unknown, and to constantly FEEL for that which is unknowable. 


In this episode we chat:

  • What is an Oracle?
  • Why science isn’t enough
  • How do quantum physics, dance and magick come together? 
  • Why you should make being blindfolded a regular part of your life 
  • How can contact improvisation dance heal you and connect you to the cosmos?
  • What is dark matter and how does it effect our body?
  • Academic dance vs spiritual dance 
  • The path of the mystic in dance
  • How electronic music changes your brain 
  • How to read a person’s energy 
  • How to dance with the darkness, becoming nothing and everything at once 
  • Ritual and Magick in dance
  • What are Darkness and Light? 
  • How our nervous system responds to the unknown 


If you'd like to connect with us, you can follow us on insta at www.instagram.com/thehouseofmages 


Find out more about our school of yoga and magick at www.thehouseofmages.com