#005 Deals with The Devil with Dane Tomas

Welcome to Make Yoga Magick Again: The House of Mages Podcast, streaming on all platforms which can be found here www.thehouseofmages.com/makeyogamagickagain

In this episode I chat with dark wizard, ritualistic rapper & esoteric entrepreneur, Dane Tomas.

Dane Tomas is probably most famously known for creating the radical modality of self transformation know as The Spiral, along with the school that teaches its methods and the book that explains the principles of the system; Clear your shit.

Heā€™s also authored 4 other books on everything from sex wizardry, to merging business & spirituality and presented paradigm shattering events, rituals and trainings across the world.

Recently heā€™s founded dark wizard media, and started releasing his unique style of hip hop that blends deep, void-like beats, with mischievous word-play and storytelling.

We chat:

- Daneā€™s path into magick

- What is Magick and how does it really work?

- Which part of you is actually doing the magick?

- Why everything gets blamed on this figure known as 'The Devil'

- Who is the Light Bringer known as Lucifer, really?

- Can you be Christian and practice Magick

- Death, rebirth, and remanifestation

- A simple map of the Soul

- ISTA and Highden Temple's influence on Dane's journey

- The beauty of Ritual

- Why Christianity sells so well


If you'd like to connect with us, you can follow us on insta at www.instagram.com/thehouseofmages or www.instagram.com/dane.tomas Find out more about our school of yoga and magick at www.thehouseofmages.com