#004 Sex Magick & Trusting Eros with Victoria Redbard

Welcome to Make Yoga Magick Again: The House of Mages Podcast, streaming on all platforms which can be found here www.thehouseofmages.com/makeyogamagickagain

In this episode I chat to Victoria Redbard, previously known as the Tantric Witch.

Victoria Redbard is Australia’s leading sexuality expert.

A speaker, author, facilitator and altogether business badass.

Over the past 3 years she founded the Institute of New Paradigm Intimacy, a globally accredited sexuality school honing its cutting-edge Self Pleasure Modality.

She is also the driving force behind the Enlightenment in The Bedroom events, the Tedx of sexuality held in 9 locations over Australia.

Through a delicious mix of intuition, instinct, and passion she wakes people up to the innocent aliveness of their erotic nature.

We chat about:

- Why having your life fall apart could be the best thing that's ever happened to you

- How to tap into your intuition through embodied pleasure practices

- What is Eros?

- Why your Magick isn't working

- Self Pleasure vs the mainstream view of self-intimacy

- What is Sex Magick

- Our love of Joe Dispenza and how he translates magical language into the mainstream

- How to ride the flow of Eros into trust and abundance

- What is spiritual bypassing? and how it's stopping your evolution

- How does Tantra relate to intimacy, sexuality and magick?

- How to tap into the true power of your base chakra ;)

- and SOO much more

If you'd like to connect with us, you can follow us on insta at www.instagram.com/thehouseofmages or find out more about our school of yoga and magick at www.thehouseofmages.com