#001 My Weird Journey Into Magick with Daniel Erulian Cuming - Part 1

For the first time, I speak openly about my weird and synchronicity filled journey into Magick and Yoga, including the Snake Dream that changed everything..

Welcome to the first episode of Make Yoga Magic Again! The Official Ritual Embodiment & House of Mages Podcast.

In this first episode I explain:

- Why I created this podcast

- How I was introduced to magick and the occult

- Why I didn't believe in magic / magick until my worldview was shattered by a series of strange events

- My introduction to the Scarlett Lover

- My epic ghost hunting failures

- My initiation into martial arts, breathwork, meditation and attempts at becoming a Jedi :)

- How I was given my first book on Hermetic Magic and Ceremonial Evocation

- What The House of Mages is... 

Find more info about what I do here:

