CARTOMANCER: Journeying The Tarot

A Cartomancer is more than just a reader of cards; they are the bridge between worlds. One who hears the subtle tapping of fingertips by the fates as they weave the web of Wyrd.

The term Cartomancer itself derives from the French word "cartomancie," a blend of "carte," meaning card, and "mancie," meaning divination.

The history of Cartomancy stretches back to the 14th century, when playing cards first made their way into Europe. Originally used for games and amusement, these cards soon revealed a deeper, arcane potential. As time passed, individuals began to perceive the symbolic language encoded within the cards, and a new form of divination was born..


Welcome to Cartomancer.

Designed for those who seek depth, magic, and philosophical insight, this course offers a profound exploration of Tarot that goes beyond traditional learning.


Embrace the mystical side of Tarot through guided rituals and magical practices that enhance intuitive connections to deepen and enrich your readings. This course also explores the philosophical / psychological underpinnings of Tarot, engaging with its rich symbolism and the profound truths it reveals about human nature and existence.


Build a solid base with an in-depth study of Tarot structure, and symbolism. Whilst simultaneously delving into YOUR inner structures, patterns and frameworks.


Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine and elevate your practice, this course invites you to journey beyond the ordinary. Harness the power of Tarot to reveal hidden truths, understand your subtle energy body / intuition, and explore the the many layers of Self. Discover the profound impact of Tarot on your journey of self-discovery and growth—your Tarot adventure begins here.



Meet your instructors

Cassandra Paulke

Celestial Alchemist.

With a background in Tertiary level History and a rich embodied journey through the realms of Tarot, Astrology, and Integrative Womb Hara Massage, Cassandra guides individuals in transforming shadows into gifts and uncovering the wisdom of the subconscious.

 Her other passions include philosophy, art, holistic medicine, women's health, magic, and her family. A multifaceted Leo Sun, Scorpio Rising, Libra Moon (5/1 Mani Gen), she synthesises many ideas and frameworks in order to meet others in their depths; Revealing their light.


Daniel Erulian Cuming

Mischievous Mage

The pursuit of wonder, freedom and play has always been at the forefront of what drives Daniel’s curiosity for unraveling the mysteries of life’s potential.

After over 10 years of practising Ceremonial Magic in its many forms, he’s come to appreciate the mischief of the cosmos and to tread with a skip of divine madness in his step, more passionate than ever about educating people on the true essence of Yoga, Tantra, and these beautiful technologies we weave together in this mysterious phenomena we call, Magic.

Bring Everything to the Path.



A bit more about us and why we created Cartomancer in this video





COURSE STARTING  October 31st 2024




(50% Discount)






Cartomancer: Journeying The Tarot

Pre-Launch Discount Ending in:










Connect with like-minded souls

Divination can be a very solitary path. But you're not alone in your journey! You will gain access to our expanding community forums in which you can ask questions and connect with you fellow Cartomancers.

Embody the Tarot with guided ritual practices

Harness the ancient elements of Earth, Water, Fire & Air through Magical Ritual & Meditation Practices to deeper your connection with the Spirits of the Cards.

Choose your own Tarot Adventure

Flexible go-at-your-own-pace course format, so that you can choose how to approach the Cartomancer journey.